Forge Homestead Apartments
The Podium Apartments
Los Altos
Los Altos Gardens I
Los Altos Gardens II
Mountain View
Gemello Village Apartments
San Jose
Fruitdale Station Apartments
Santa Clara
Buckingham Place Apartments
Catalina Luxury Apartments
Flora Vista Apartments
Stevens Creek Villas
The Deck
Warburton Village Apartments
Apricot Pit Apartments
Cezanne Apartments
Selo Of Pastoria
San Francisco
Bluxome Place
Metro At Showplace Square
Los Angeles
Villa Doheny I & II
Cross Creek Apartments
Sun Chase Apartments
Midtown 360
Salt Lake City
Axis at 739 Apartments
C9 Flats
Costume Property Apartments
Nexus on 9th
Paragon Station
Seven65 Lofts
Sun River Apartments
The Vue at Sugar House Crossing
We would like to remind all residents to follow safe practices when walking in the parking garage. At the same time, a reminder to follow the speed limit of 5 MPH in your vehicle. We know it is a very slow speed however, when someone walks out into the parking garage, it could be this slow speed that keeps someone from injury. Please stay aware of others whether your in a vehicle, bike or on foot.
Please remember bikes, skateboards, scooters etc are not allowed to be ridden in the courtyards or the common hallways at any time. Please also use the elevator when bringing your bike through the lobby as to not cause wear and tear on the stairs carpeting or hit your tires on the walls.
That fresh spring air is invigorating, but most of us spend most of our days inside. And, if you’ve had the place closed up all winter with the heat running, the air inside probably isn’t quite so pleasant. Let the spring freshness in!
That could be as simple as opening a window, but if you have allergies, it’s still a bit chilly outside or your windows don’t open up, there are plenty of other options. Bring flowering plants indoors to lend their scent to the room (and a splash of color, too), or set out a bowl of cut orange and lemon to give a light, citrusy aroma to your kitchen or bath. You can even add a tablespoon or two of lemon juice to the humidifier to disperse the scent throughout the apartment.
Random crime can occur even in the nicest neighborhoods. Residents are responsible for their own belongings. That’s one reason that management requires renter’s insurance for all occupants; that small monthly fee can ensure that your personal property is protected in the event of a burglary. In order to take advantage of these protections, it’s important that you follow certain procedures. For example, most insurance companies will require a police report before considering a claim based on a break-in, so you’ll want to contact the police immediately. And, you’ll need to contact management right away, failing to take action, document the incident, report to law enforcement or provide required documentation could end up costing you money. And, you may be liable if your negligence caused the break-in, so be sure to follow your lease terms and take reasonable security precautions.
Baked Cinnamon Apple Chips
It’s apple season! Try these crispy, yummy apple chips that’ll disappear as fast as you can make them. Healthy and kid-friendly, too!
-2 to 3 apples -Ground cinnamon -Sugar
Preheat oven to 220 F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. Cut apples in thin slices and spread in single layer on sheets. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar and place in the oven. Bake for two hours flipping them over halfway through baking. Turn off oven and let cool off inside the oven. This will help give them a crunchier texture. Store at room temperature for up to one week
That fresh spring air is invigorating, but most of us spend most of our days inside. And, if you’ve had the place closed up all winter with the heat running, the air inside probably isn’t ...
FEBRUARY – A MONTH OF LOVE… Happy Valentines Day to all our Wonderful Residents. Our Residents Are the Heart of this Community! We hope you celebrate this day by doing all the things you love.
Embrace the New Year with Warmth and Joy – Best Wishes from The Podium!